Felix Manalo is not a founder of the Iglesia ni Cristo. He is God's prophet.

Before he was found, he was once lost, or more appropriately was searching for the truth. In his search, he once have the following stop overs.

Baptized into the Catholic Church (c.1886)
Converted to the Methodist Episcopal Church (1904)
Switched to the Presbyterian Ellinwood Bible Training  School in 1906
Migrated to the Christian Missionary Alliance Church 
Moved to the Disciples of Christ’s Manila College of the  Bible in 1908
Crossed-over to the Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA)
Turned to Florencia Entrencherado’s Colorum Movement
Shifted to the Anglican Church’s “Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts” (SPG)

Unable to find the truth, his search led him to do these:

“One day in November, 1913, Felix Manalo gathered all  the religious literature he had accumulated and arranged  them, with a pile of unused notebooks, sharpened pencils  and the Bible, on a table inside a dimly-lit room in  Eusebio Sungas house in Pasay. He instructed everyone in  the household that he should not be disturbed, then kept  himself in seclusion.” 

“So intense was his concentration that he became  oblivious of time, food and the world outside. He emerged from that seclusion after three days and three nights of  intensive study and reflection, his notebooks filled with  notes, certain that God had commissioned him to perform a mission.”

Though founded and established in  1913, Manalo’s “Iglesia Ni Kristo” was  incorporated on the 27th of July 1914. Much later, their church’s name got changed: The “K” got replaced with a  “C". Hence: The “Iglesia Ni Cristo” (INC)

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