Philippine Eagle Research & Nature Center in Davao City, information sheet.

To view the largest eagles in the world (in terms of their 7ft wing span), head to the  Philippine Eagle Center (PEC;   %082-224 3021;;  adult/child P100/50;   h8am-5pm), which is dedicated to conserving this  endangered species.

Also known as monkey-eating eagles, these birds, with an  average lifespan of 20 years in the wild (longer at the centre), are threatened by  deforestation and hunting. About 500 remain in the wild in the Philippines and  around 20 of the 35 here were bred through artificial insemination. The complex is  set in a lush pocket of native forest near Malagos, 36km north of Davao.

There are  other wild birds flitting around and other animals, including the Philippine brown  deer and Philippine warty pig. Volunteer guides are around to answer questions.  To stay overnight in the area, try the collection of cottages at Malagos Garden  Resort (   %0917 625 2467, 082-221 1545;; dm per person  P350, q from P2400;   a), set in a large landscaped property with gardens, walking  paths, a bird park and a butterfly sanctuary.

Dr Bo, a veterinarian who owns  Malagos with his wife Olive, and known as 'the bird whisperer', runs his own eagle  (mostly serpent and fishing eagles) rehabilitation center and puts on a 'bird show' (P125) every Sunday at 10.30am (in good weather).

Tents for large groups are  provided for those interested in camping (P350) and nonguests can visit for P100.  Popular with corporate retreats and weddings and the like. Easy to find, around  300m before the Eagle Center.

How to get to Philippine Eagle and Nature Center?
 From Davao, catch a bus to Calinan (P45, one hour) from the Annil Terminal  across the street from Bankerohan Public Market. Though decrepit, the bus is still  a more comfortable option than a jeepney (P45).

The latter leave from in front of  Ateneo University across from the Marco Polo Hotel. In Calinan, grab a motorcycle  or tricycle uphill to the research center or Malagos (P20, 10 minutes). A taxi from Davao runs around P400 one way.

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