A peek of the history of Cebu

Like every city on earth, Cebu has its own identity, people and history.  So we have hand picked out the most interesting parts of its history which make  Cebu unique and special.

Keep on reading to learn a thing or two about what makes Cebu a great destination  for tourists from all over the world.

Cebu was founded by Sri 'Lumay' otherwise known as 'Rajamuda Lumaya', a half  Malay and Half Tamil prince of the Chola dynasty which had invaded Sumatra in  Indonesia. He was sent by the Maharajah to establish a base for expeditionary forces to subdue the local kingdoms, but he rebelled and established his own independent Rajahnate instead.

The arrival of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan  in 1521 established a period of Spanish exploration and colonization. Losing favor  for his plan of reaching the Spice Islands from king Manuel I of Portugal, by sailing  west from Europe, Magellan offered his services to king Charles I of Spain.

On  September 20, 1519, Magellan led five ships with a crew of 250 people from the  Spanish fort of Sanl?car de Barrameda en route to Southeast Asia via the Americas  and Pacific Ocean. They reached the Philippines on March 16, 1521. Rajah Kolambu  the king of Mazaua told them to sail for Cebu, where they could trade and have  provisions.

Arriving in Cebu City, Magellan, with Enrique of Malacca as translator,  befriended Rajah Humabon the Rajah or King of Cebu and persuaded the natives  of allegiance to Charles I of Spain. Humabon and his wife were given Christian  names and baptized as Carlos and Juana.

The Santo Nino was presented to the native queen of Cebu, as a symbol of peace and friendship between the Spaniards  and the Cebuanos. On April 14, Magellan erected a large wooden cross on the  shores of Cebu. Afterwards, about 700 islanders were baptized.

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