What is Chocolate Hills? Where is Chocolate Hills? How to get to Chocolate Hills?

The Chocolate Hills
The surreal Chocolate Hills are renowned throughout the Philippines and one of the country’s biggest tourist attractions. Some geologists believe that these unique 40-metre mounds – there are said to be 1268 of them if you care to count – were formed from deposits of coral and limestone sculpted by centuries of erosion.

Most locals, however, will tell you that the hills are the calcified tears of a brokenhearted giant while others prefer the idea that they were left by a giant carabao with distressed bowels. What you think of the hills will depend largely on the time you visit.

During the glare of the day the light casts harsh shadows and the hills lose their definition. But at dawn or dusk they look splendid, especially during the dry season (Dec–May) when the scrub vegetation that covers the hills is roasted brown, and they really do resemble endless rows of chocolate drops.

Most visitors arrive by tour bus at the Chocolate Hills Complex (P50), where there’s a hotel (T038/416-0199; 2) and a few small souvenir shops. From here there are 213 steps up to the viewing decks where you’ll have the chance to pose for photos riding a broom and wearing a Harry Potter hat.

To get here independently take one of the buses to Carmen (90min; P60) which leave hourly from the Dao terminal in Tagbilaran, often with every inch of bus space taken by locals returning from market with produce.

From Carmen it’s a pleasant 4km walk south up to the hills and then up the steps to the lookout area. You can also hop on a motorbike from Carmen for around P50.

For a different view of the Chocolate Hills, exploring the backroads by motorbike, bike or on foot is definitely worthwhile. Contact Barkada Tours (p.284) for hiking or biking trips.

Alternatively you could head to Sagbayan Peak, northwest of Carmen, where there’s another tourist complex which offers closer-up, quieter views. Take a bus from Tagbilaran to Sagbayan town, then rent a motorbike or walk to the peak complex.

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